Saturday, May 25, 2019

Animation of the Night Sky at Your Location

CLICK HERE to go to, set the site to your location (or a nearby city), scroll down to the "Night Sky Map", select a planet to watch, and then click on the play arrow (or FFWD arrow, or scroll bar). You can pause and scroll over stars or other planets to see their names. Pretty dang cool if you ask me! The site provides plenty of other interactive astronomy animations to fiddle around with as well.

Below: This screen shot is an example of what you will see - except it will be in motion. NOTE: The site resets at noon every day, so the best time to check is afternoon.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Draw the orbits of the planets on your city.

This is a really cool way to help students understand the size of the solar system. Go to this website, and center the map on your city. This can be done entering your latitude and longitude, or you can expand the map* to full screen and then manipulate it so that your city is at the center. Then enter "33223 mm" for the diameter of the Sun - This is how big the Sun would be if the Earth were the size of a standard globe (12 inches in diameter). Finally, select "calculate" and "show orbits".

*If you expand the map to "full screen" you will need to get out of "full screen" to enter the diameter of the Sun.

Below: To see where the planets are right now, go to this website.