Friday, October 14, 2011

Impressive Collection of Aerial Images of the West

Dr. William Bowen has provided this collection of "photorealistic images". They can be used in presentations to show what the land looks like from above, providing a new perspective for looking at the geology of a region. The image to the right is of the Rocky Mountain Front west of Great Falls, MT. These mountains provide a dramatic look at the impact of thrust faulting on the landscape. To see what's available, CLICK HERE, select the state you want to view, and then the select the county. Enjoy!

Friday, October 7, 2011

What's the Recipe for a Cloud?

Here is my version of the "cloud in a bottle activity". To obtain a student handout and answer key for this activity, CLICK HERE.

Juice bottles are also suitable for this activity.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Montana Ice Caves are Natural Deep Freezes

"Ice caves" are caves that have ice in them year-round. They are a fun way to help students understand that colder air is more dense than warmer air. Watch my video of a trip into one of Montana's ice caves, and then CLICK HERE to read an explanation.

Friday, September 23, 2011

What's up in the night sky!

CLICK HERE to find out what's in the sky right now, or at any time. To change the settings (times, dates), select "manual", make the changes, and then hit return on your keyboard. The site is provided by

Friday, September 16, 2011

El Nino Explained on a "Pencast"

El Nino
brought to you by Livescribe

This is a way that students can listen to the teacher explain concepts online. Pencasts are especially helpful for students who have missed class, or just want another chance to have a concept explained. Pencasta are easily produced using a Livescribe "smart pen". To view a pencast, such as the El Nino Pencast (above), turn your volume on, select "full screen", then "hide preview" in the lower right, and then "play".

Friday, September 9, 2011

Simple, Effective Gas Density Demonstration

This demonstration fits nicely into a unit on volcanism or density. It will help students realize that there are differences in the densities of gases, and help them understand how this can affect the behavior of gases.

In August of 1986 a lethal cloud of carbon dioxide gas erupted from the depths of Lake Nyos in Africa, killing over 1,700 people in a valley below. Tremendous amounts of the gas, dissolved in the cold, deep waters of the lake, were released as the water came to the surface. As the water rose, decreasing pressure caused bubbles to form just as they do when a bottle of cola is opened. Since carbon dioxide is more dense than air, the invisible gas descended into the populated valley, causing the deaths.

To view a convenient list of all the resources that have been posted on this "Earth Science Guy" blog site, CLICK HERE.

Friday, September 2, 2011

What if the Sun were the size of a golf ball?

Here is a fun scale model calculator for the solar system. Input a diameter for the Sun and then find out how big, and how far away the planets would be. Use a golf ball for an example (1.6 inches). CLICK HERE to try it out. Here are some other diameters to play with: soccer ball=8.65", volleyball=8.5", softball=3.8", baseball=2.9", mens' basketball=9.4", womens' basketball=9.07". . . The calculator will even tell you how far it is to certain stars and how big other stars are. For example, if the Sun were the size of a golf ball, Alph Centauri would be 732.8 miles away from the Sun, and Betelgeuse would have a diameter of 50 ft.

To view a convenient list of all the resources that have been posted on this "Earth Science Guy" blog site, CLICK HERE.

Check out WARD's Exploring Convection Activity.